当心! These 4 Pests Start Increasing 在 Spring

our pest control expert treating a fence


Warmer weather is coming, and you know what that means: more bugs! 在冬天, pest activity tends to subside as bugs hibernate, 去休眠, or tunnel below ground to find shelter. As temperatures become more favorable during spring, 昆虫, 蛛形纲动物, 和更多的 begin to stir and eggs start hatching.

当我们进入春天, keep an eye out for the following pests around your property so that you can get ahead of any major infestations.

1. 白蚁

不像其他昆虫, 白蚁依然活跃 在冬天. 然而, they tend to tunnel deep underground or inside stumps to survive the cold. 一旦气温回升, 白蚁 会开始蜂拥而至. 在 群集, winged members of the colonies take off to reproduce and find new places to build nests.

Swarming can start during early spring and last through late fall, 取决于那年的天气. 白蚁 will typically swarm during warm daylight hours following a day with rain. They’ll gravitate toward a location with rotting, water-damaged wood because that food source will be easier to chew and digest. Once termite swarmers find that perfect place to nest, they’ll lose their wings.

A 白蚁侵扰 can be difficult to spot until damage is done. 最初, you might mistake the damage for a leak or moisture-related problem because 白蚁 release moisture as they chew. 请注意:

  • 冒泡油漆
  • 屈曲地板
  • 弯曲的墙壁或天花板
  • windows and doors that are hard to open and close

Also, watch out for small mud tubes around your home’s foundation. These are tiny tunnels that 白蚁 are using to enter your home.

2. 蚂蚁

蚂蚁 thrive in warm temperatures, preferring a range of about 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. 这是可以理解的, they’re more than happy to be done with winter and start becoming much more active during spring. 和白蚁类似, 蚂蚁 will also start 群集 during spring. Ant swarmers typically will set out on a calm, sunny, humid day after there has been a lot of rain.

Where 蚂蚁 nest has a lot to do with their species. 十大网赌排行榜owners should watch out for these two 蚂蚁 in particular:

  • 木蚁. These 蚂蚁 are about ½ inch long and come in black, brown, or reddish black. They eat many of the same foods that others do (plant honeydew, 小虫子, 碳水化合物, 肉, 糖果, 和油脂)不管, carpenter 蚂蚁 nest inside of wood. If carpenter 蚂蚁 decide to nest inside your home, they can dig tunnels into your home’s baseboards, 窗框, 门堵塞, 支撑梁, 和更多的.
  • 火蚁. Also known as red imported fire 蚂蚁 (RIFAs), these 蚂蚁 grow up to ⅜ inch and are dark reddish-brown. Their name comes from the extremely painful stings they can inflict. The visible parts of their nests look like irregularly-shaped dirt mounds, and they’re often located near landscaping or building foundations. Disturbing these nests can cause fire 蚂蚁 to emerge and attack in huge numbers.

3. Social Stinging Insects (蜜蜂, 黄蜂, Hornets, etc.)

While some stinging 昆虫 live a “loner” lifestyle, 群居刺虫 live in a large group (or colony), typically with overlapping generations. The colony usually has a division of labor with queens, workers, drones, etc. Common examples include yellowjackets, paper wasps, honey bees, and 脸白的黄蜂.

刺虫群 usually don’t reach full size until later in the summer, but queens start forming colonies during spring. With springtime comes plenty of nectar and pollen for queens, allowing them to produce a healthy brood (offspring).

Mature colony workers will take on various roles that keep things functioning smoothly. 这些角色包括:

  • 侍候女王
  • Caring for the brood that the queen produces
  • 筑巢
  • 整理巢
  • 寻找食物
  • Protecting the nest from predators or intruders

These stinging insect colonies can be a problem when they build their nests in or around your home. Some places to look are in bushes and trees, 在甲板和天井下面, underneath eaves and roof overhangs, 户外家具下面, 关于户外游乐设备, 近灯具, 在棚屋被忽视的角落里, 阁楼, 和车库.

4. 臭虫

Not all insect activity increases outdoors: unfortunately, bed bug activity tends to increase indoors during the middle of spring. 因为 臭虫 live inside buildings, they remain active and feed on human blood throughout the year. 然而, bed bug problems spike right around the middle of spring due to increased travel during spring break.

With more people traveling, 臭虫 have more opportunities to hitch a ride on clothes and luggage 最后住进新家. These tiny 昆虫 remain expertly hidden in tucks and folds where you wouldn’t notice them right away. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to:

  • Keep your luggage several feet away from any hotel bed or sofa
  • Never place your clothes inside of a hotel dresser
  • Inspect the bedding and mattress for any 臭虫, rusty-colored污渍, 或少, 白色臭虫卵
  • Run a credit card along the seams of the mattress and bedding to unearth any hiding 臭虫

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鼠尾草十大网赌靠谱平台网站, we pride ourselves on high-quality pest prevention and pest control methods and five-star-rated service. To schedule your appointment, don’t hesitate to call us at (704) 413-3398 or 在线十大网赌排行榜.

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